GAT Testrol Review: Is It Safe?
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GAT Testrol is a testosterone boosting pill made to specially aid physical endurance, strength, and overall testosterone levels. They specifically target this brand for heavy weight lifters as it is marketed with bodybuilding athletes.
Clinically proven ingredients are also used which are meant to regulate estrogen and testosterone levels. This hormone regulating can then aid overall male virility and health. No male enhancement benefits are mentioned, but regulating testosterone levels will inevitably lead to a stronger libido. The number 1 rated male enhancement pill of this year was found to be Viritenz. It has compounds within it which are backed by reputable 3rd party studies, and it’s all-natural and customer approved. To read official testimonials and to examine the top rated formula, click on this link to be redirected to Viritenz’s website.
By regulating hormone levels this intends to make sure estrogen does not degrade testosterone, and that testosterone itself is made functional. It intends to do so by helping provide enzymes for optimized effects.
Lean muscle gains and body mass are also said to be improved, which is due to it producing DHEA. This compound is meant to help stimulate growth hormones which can then help support metabolism.
Due to the added testosterone this can translate into longer lasting workouts which can then multiply the weight loss benefits and overall fitness levels of users. The version of testosterone which is made to be enhanced is known as free testosterone, and it’s the version the body can use actively without any sort of delayed or weak effects.
Top Benefits: There is a wide array of ingredients, some of these additives are proven effective for increasing testosterone, and direct sales are offered.
Negatives: Some of these additives are potentially unhealthy, requires strict cycling, and there is a warning of it potentially leading to birth defects and reproductive harm.
Who makes this supplement?
World Health Products, LLC makes GAT Testrol and they can be contacted via the following:
Address: 578 Pepper Street
Monroe, Connecticut 06468
Phone Number: (888) 811-4286
Email: [email protected]
A 30 day money back return policy is only extended for unopened items. So this would only really apply to people who buy multiple bottles, as there is no way to determine what can be experienced without first trying it. Free shipping is offered in the US if one spends $100 or more.
No complaints exit on their Better Business Bureau page, but they do have some issues with the FDA. They stated how the makers make claims about their brand which made it seem like it could cure certain illnesses. This included 3 of their supplements which the FDA required them to either provide proof for these claims, or to stop taking them.
What’s inside of it and are there side effects?
The supplements facts list reveals that the following extracts are used:
Tribulus Terrestris: Potent plant traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine as a way to promote overall sexual wellbeing. This has been shown to have this effect without leading to any changes in testosterone.
Diindolymethane (DIM): Molecule which is found in many cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and Brussel sprouts. This can provide balanced estrogen levels and stop testosterone into becoming estrogen within the body.
Excess amounts or too much at one time can actually have the opposite intended effect, which means it can raise estrogen levels in some.
Mucuna Pruriens Seed Extract: Legume native to Arica which contains L-DOPA, this can be used as dopamine within the brain. Because it does not pass the blood brain barrier, it will not have any effects on dopamine when supplemented.
It can also potentially cause side effects which includes the following:
- Headaches, nausea, and hallucinations.
- Delusion, raised heartbeat, and confusion.
- Agitation, burning, and vomiting.
Fenugreek Seed: Herbal spice that is often added to testosterone boosting pills. This has been used to help reduce infertility and erectile dysfunction in men.
While it can be effective, it can also lead to side effects which include:
- Facial swelling, upset stomach and gas,
- Bloating, low blood sugar, and wheezing.
Epimedium Extract: Herbal ingredient known as horny goat weed, this has a popular use in male enhancement pills. It can increase blood flow and it can have similar effects to estrogen.
This may cause symptoms such as:
- Breathing issues vomiting, and dry mouth.
- Spasms, dizziness and nosebleed.
Damiana Leaf: Shrub native to parts of Latin American and used for its aphrodisiac and physical stamina enhancing benefits. It can lead to strychnine like poisoning in people who take large amounts.
Cnidium Monnieri Seed: Plant that has long been used in Chinese medicine as a way to enhance sexual drive and prevent erectile dysfunction.
Web MD has determined that because of a lack of clinical studies that it is unknown:
“if it is safe”
Purified Shilajit Extract: A mineral heavy ingredient which has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine. This is included as a way to help increase testosterone. Studies ae lacking, but some have said it does have beneficial effects for men.
To learn for yourself what brands made our experts top 10 list simply follow this provided link.
What’s good about GAT Testrol?
The added L-Arginine, tongkat ali, gingko biloba, and Tribulus Terrestris are great additions to a male enhancement product. The compounds have been shown to have potent effects when taken as directed.
The creators have cited a full ingredients list with the actual dosage strength of each additive. This helps to ensure people are aware of the total dosage strength, and to allow for proper researching of their formula.
What’s bad about GAT Testrol?
Some of these ingredients simply either have yet to be proven in any meaningful clinical studies, or they can lead to some harsh side effects. By examining the additives list its clear they gave decided to add many commonly used ingredients. This very basic formula is sold without a money back guarantee on any opened bottles, so it limits any preference of selection of this brand over other similar male enhancement pills.
There needs to be some sort of backing so potential users doesn’t end up potentially losing out on money. This is also concerning since additives like Mucuna pruriens can lead to very dangerous side effects including delusions, hallucinations, and mood issues.
What do consumers think about GAT Testrol?
Here are some reviews found from multiple online sites:
“Started noticing my energy levels and performance in the gym was improved”
“Didn’t see any real boost it was so minor to ineffective”
“Really wish I hadn’t purchased this because I can’t get a refund. This is not what I was looking for”
“didn’t like it the pills were hard to swallow and the smell was so bad. I wouldn’t bother with this again if I had the choice”
Some people did experience some benefits, but overall there were concerns over the lack of noticeable benefits. Many also said that it was mild at best, but that it could be all in their heads and a placebo effect instead of any actual change.
The few positive reviews are likely experiencing the benefits from the actually effective intends used in this blend. But because of the potential side effects and lack of a money back guarantee, it’s not a risk free purchase.
Using some of these ingredients are great ways to enhance testosterone levels. Not all these additives are proven effective however, and some of these are not harmless as they may lead to dangerous symptoms which are uncomfortable and difficult to deal with. The makers fail to provide a money back return policy either for opened bottles, so one might lose out on money. There have been mixed reviews and unfortunately this has to be cycled, so long-term use cannot be supported Those who need consistent benefits may not be able to gain any support from this product.
The top ranking male enhancement pill which can boost testosterone, libido, and overall wellness if known as Viritenz. It combines rich extracts which have bee reviewed in trusted studies to be effective for all-round support. This can help to maximize virility so one can retain performance in the gym, the bedroom, and life in general.
This is due to its natural testosterone enhancing benefits which can support overall male health. The company also does not add any cheap stimulants or artificial additives of any kind. Learn about what makes Viritenz the best brand of its kind by clicking this link.
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