FB1-Test Review: Is It Safe?

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FB1-Test is a testosterone boosting supplement made to deliver intense results, with the ability to limit fatigue, enhance endurance, and support the creation of a more in shape physique. They even add specific percentages for these mentioned benefits, and they show how much improvement has been shown in past users.
By improving testosterone this can help provide well-rounded results both during workouts, and in the bedroom. This brand is also marketed as the top selling vitality supplement in the US. Their formula is described as being powerful yet completely legal. In examining countless brands for male enhancement, Viritenz was shown to provide the most optimal results. It contains a blend of studied ingredients which users have said helped boost their libido and testosterone. For a closer look into what makes Viritenz the top rated brand, follow this link.
How does FB1-Test work?
There is a section where the science is said to be explained, but they don’t really go into detail at all about what the actual process is. Instead they add how there are quality ingredients which can reduce body fat, incase fat free mass, aid sex drive, and support muscle power.
They also add an easy to read intended highlights list which includes improving one’s personal weightlifting record, and all without any side effects.
Still, it needs to be better explained as to the actual way this can raise free testosterone levels. Dosing is advised at one capsule twice a day, as well as making sure to exercise via lifting heavy weights. Results are said to come within about 3 weeks use. No testimonials or any credible sources are used to help show how this is possible however. They also do not mention the ingredients for curious customers to do research on this formula.
Top Benefits: Highlights are explained in an easy to read format, and they explain how to take it with pictures.
Negatives: No proof is provided to help show how this works, few reviews are available, and there is no explanation as to what is added to the formula.
Who makes this supplement?
There are currently 3 different websites which market this brand, but only one of them actually provides direct sales. The other websites contain spam links which makes it seem forged.
The one legitimate looking website mentions their company name is Healthy Marketing LLC and it has their contact information listed as:
Address: 61 South 500 East
St. George, Utah 84770
Phone Number: (888) 819-9957
Refunds are only offered for unopened bottles which are undamaged for a single bottle.
They also only allow for people to engage in their free trial program and one cannot simply buy a single bottle without it. This allows for 14 days of use from the date of purchase where one has to pay $4.95 shipping. If 14 days past they will automatically enroll users into a 30 day renewal plan which costs $84.87.
The company has an F rating with the Better Business Bureau due to serious allegations made against their practices:
“ripped off by this scam, they will automatically take money from you if you don’t cancel. But they charged me before the 14 day trial ended”
“nowhere on their promotional page due have they mentioned price. When I called the lady dropped my call”
“never opened the bottle and they would not allow me to send it back”
“lady on the phone as very rude and laughed at me for wanting to send it back. Seems like a rip off”
These serious allegations have continued on with many claiming they are operating a scam, and that they refuse even giving people their money back for unopened bottles. Some also had issues with the customer service representatives, as they suddenly dropped phone calls or would be very rude to them on the phone. One person was laughed at for simply suggesting they should get a refund.
View our list of the top ranked male enhancement pills of the year by following this cited link.
What’s inside of it and are there side effects?
Although the official website mentions that a legal formula is used, they fail to provide any information about what exactly is included. One unaffiliated website did add a supplements facts image, but it’s unknown if this is up to date. The following active ingredients are said to be used:
Zinc: Mineral important in small amounts to help improve the immune system, maintain growth of the body, support vision, and treat infertility. In this pure form it can lead to:
- Metallic like taste, stomach issues, and diarrhea.
- Nausea, vomiting, and kidney damage.
Vitamin B1: Common vitamin available in many foods which provides healthy thiamine, this can be used as a way to properly manage carbohydrates. It also can affect mood, heart health, appetite, and other important health concerns.
It can be potentially dangerous in excess amounts and it may contribute to:
- Worsened liver issues, skin irritation, and lack of uptake.
Vitamin B6 (in the form of Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate): Useful vitamin which can help improve the uptake of amino acids. This effects neurotransmitter health and energy production. This is intended to be a more bioactive form of vitamin B6, meaning the body can use it better than other forms.
Eurycoma Longifolia Extract (LJ100): Patented version of tongkat ali which is native to parts of Asia. It is used to help improve overall sexual health, testosterone levels, athletic performance, and improve mood while reducing stress.
This has been formulated by a company known as HP Ingredients.
What’s good about FB1-Test?
The official website does provide an easy to understand list of the main intended highlights. It’s also revealed how exercise is important and necessary for effects, making it a specialized supplement for gym goers.
What’s bad about FB1-Test?
The company has had serious allegations made against their practices, with some adding how they are difficult to deal with, and that they are a scam which automatically bills customers monthly.
No money back guarantee is offered on open bottles, and you have to commit to their free trial program which can fore customers into a new change every 30 days.
They also do not fail to mention any of their ingredients, nor do they provide proof or testimonials .They add a graph which highlights how statistically it can provide certain benefits, but they fail to mention the exact studies. Because of all these issues it’s hard to trust anything they have to say.
What do consumers think about FB1-Test?
Very few reviews can be found online, here are a select few from different websites:
“really can’t afford it at this price”
“it helped me increase my testosterone levels but there’s no way I can continue spending so much”
Only one review found online actually spoke about the quality. Without much more to examine it’s difficult to get a real consensus on what FB1-Test can truly provide. Much more opinions are needed to determine if it’s long lasting, whether or not it’s safe, and just how effective it was for all aspects linked to enhanced testosterone levels.
Due to the lack of testimonials, evidence of any kind, ingredients list, and a money back guarantee on opened bottles, there isn’t much to establish this as an effective supplement. They have been called a scam by several of their customers, and people added how they will continue to charge without due notice. Some have continued to lose out on money, while also dealing with what was often described as rude customer service people. In analyzing the potential ingredients another website mentioned, the formula is also very simple and overpriced for what is 3 ingredients found in food, and one of which is cheaper elsewhere.
Our review experts have found that the number 1 brand for male enhancement support was Viritenz. It was unique in its ability to have all-around benefit for longer endurance in the bedroom, improved testosterone levels, better blood for workouts and erection strength, and all without the use of cheap additives.
Some of the ingredients include maca, boron, L-Arginine, oyster extract, and other potent studied ingredients which can support male virility. The creators make each batch in a certified 3rd party reviewed, FDA approved facility. No added binders, colors, preservatives, fillers, or stimulants are added which can cheapen the formula. Visit the official Viritenz website to examine testimonials and much more by clicking on this link.
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