African Superman Review: Is It Safe?

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African Superman is a male enhancement pill with the intention of promoting stronger erections and an increase in sexual desire. They add how this can make it easier for one to want to engage in sex whenever the moment is called for.
Other benefits include the prevention of premature ejaculation, effects for up to 3 days, and enhanced male prowess. This is meant to be taken with warm water with results experienced about 15 minutes after use. It is made to be non-habit forming, toxic, or affected at all by alcohol consumption. The most effective male enhancement pill that reviewers and customers alike have rated this year is Viritenz. It has a wholesome blend of natural extracts which can help maximize sexual health. For testimonials and more details about the top ranked male enhancement supplement Viritenz, click on this link.
How does African Superman work?
The company does add how there are natural ingredients which can reproduce blood, restore energy aid kidney health, and prevent both early ejaculation and impotence. It’s unknown what they mean by reproducing blood however, or if they intended to say it is made for cleansing blood.
It is intended to work by increasing penis size with stronger erections, and by making one better able to perform whenever any sexual action is commenced.
For unknown reasons they say one should take it with warm water, it’s unknown why this has a boosting effect. They also fail to provide any testimonials or studies to help prove any of these effects. There are bold claims made about what one can expect, but they fail to provide any actual facts or sources. No further explanation is given either to the actual physical process; instead they make vague sounding claims.
Top Benefits: Ingredients are mentioned, intended effects are mentioned, and it’s relatively cheap.
Negatives: Contradictory information is provided, no full dosage strength is listed, and the company has had to enforce a recall due to tainted supplements.
Who makes this supplement?
The company uses the same name of African Superman, and they have an official website which mentions their contact details are:
Email: [email protected]
There is a page on their website which says return policy but it only says:
“some text about return policy”
So it’s unknown what one must do in order to secure a refund. Their website is also very dated and it does not feature much helpful information.
The FDA has released a public notice that consumers should not purchase this as of 2025. This is because it contained sildenafil, which is the name of the active ingredient added to Viagra.
This can potentially lead to serious side effects such as:
- Difficulty breathing, heart issues, and stomach pain.
- Shortness of breathe, seizure, and hearing loss.
- Irregular heartbeat, swelling, and muscle pain.
The FDA also noted if any kinds of side effects are experienced, to seek medical attention immediately. This can be the signs of a much more serious condition.
The makers of this have no real explanation as to what they have done to correct this problem, and how it even became an issue in the first place. It could be they added sildenafil in order to make this more potent, or there was an issue in the manufacturing process. In either case it raises serious questions about their dedication to safety.
Since they offer no money back return policy, it remains to be seen what they would do if this issue came up again.
What’s inside of it and are there side effects?
Some key ingredients that are mentioned include:
Scalpers Penis: Made from cow’s penis, this ingredient is lacking much information about what it can actually do. The only place where one can read about it is website selling a brand with this exact name.
Any kind of penis extracts needs to be carefully extracted as it can be potentially hazardous to use if it is not cleansed.
Chinese Matrimony Vine: More commonly known as goji, this fruit bearing tree contains one of the highest amounts of antioxidants out of any other fruit.
While seen as healthy, it’s unclear what kind of male enhancement effect this will have.
Pilose Antler of Young Stags: Often cooked and used in Chinese medicine as a way to enhance sexual potency and overall physique. While there are a few claimed benefits, there are no studies to back up any of these claims. It’s likely a commonly used folk medicine claim without any evidence.
Longan Sarcocarp: When researching this ingredient often only African Superman will come up, and it’s unknown exactly what this is. One website marketing this brand added that this ingredient will help fight anxiety and support heart and blood health.
No credible sources are used to help back up any of these mentioned claims.
Buffalos Penis: Claimed aphrodisiac that does not have any real science to help support the claim that this would be effective. It may contain protein and vitamins but it’s uncertain what this will truly do.
Often genitals of animals are said to be aphrodisiacs but there is a lack of proof to support this claim.
Lily: A species pf plant which is used in Chinese herbalism. This is touted as an aphrodisiac, though there is a lack of science to prove this.
Unfortunately they add an “etc” in the ingredients section instead of listing all the additives. So it’s unknown what else might be included in this formula.
What’s good about African Superman?
The company sells this at a cheap price and they claim it can work within a few minutes of use.
What’s bad about African Superman?
No full ingredients is provided, but instead they use an “etc” to say that there are more additives, but that they will not disclose what they are. This makes it impossible to determine what the full effects might be.
Many questionable ingredients are highlighted which have no evidence to showcase both their safety and effectiveness.
They have also been outed by the FDA for having leaked amounts of sildenafil to this supplement. This is a very serious issue that the company has not addressed to detail what could have happened in the creation process to have this kind of effect.
What do consumers think about African Superman?
Here is some user reviews featured online:
“it did have an effect but it also caused a wicked headache and runny nose”
“did work but nowhere near the claimed 180 hours that was advertised”
“noticed a great side effect when my stomach felt absolutely awful”
While there were some positive experiences, these are questionable as the company has added Viagra in the past, and possibility still today. Viagra can have an effect but it may be too extreme for some.
Also, this was often at the exchange of painful side effects. People often complained of things like headaches, ill feelings, and stomach issues.
African Superman has had a troubled history due to a serious recall which occurred after they were found to contaminate their supplements with a prescription ingredient. No money back return policy is offered, and many customers have commented on side effects. The company that makes it also has decided not to release their full ingredients list for unknown reasons. Some of the known additives that are used have shown the possibility for causing serious side effects, and others have not been studied enough to ensure what they’re capable of. Until much more information is released, it’s impossible to predict what this can truly do.
The number 1 rated supplement as reviewed by our experts was found to be the natural male enhancement pill Viritenz. Inside of it are studied ingredients which can help promote more testosterone, aid blood flow for longer lasting and more rigid erections, and help reduce the possibility of early orgasm while also aiding libido.
Users have provided glowing testimonials to show how they’ve noticed great improvements in the bedroom without any side effects. This is because no harsh stimulants, fillers, binder’s preservatives, or any cheap additives are included. They manufacture it in a GMP certified facility as well which further ensures a stable batch of ingredients made in a clean facility. By clicking here you can gain access to Viritenz from the official website.
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