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White Kidney Bean Extract Review: Is it Safe?

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When taken alongside a meal containing a high amount of carbohydrates, White Kidney Bean Extract reduces the amount of carbohydrates the body absorbs.

How well does this ingredient actually reduce carbohydrates and how effective is it for weight loss? You can decide for yourself if it is worth it by Ubervita w700 comparing it to the various other supplements made for weight loss.

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Any form of starch that you eat with a White Kidney Bean Extract either:

  • Is left for bacteria in the colon to eat
  • Leaves only a few carbohydrates to be digested which means less calories are consumed

Studies show weight loss is possible with White Kidney Bean Extract when it is taken by people who do not have a good diet. This weight loss occurs because some of the excess calories eaten are not absorbed by the body. However this is only possible when you have a surplus of carbohydrates. You also have to eat a lot of carbohydrates in one sitting in order for some of these calories to be left undigested.

Proteins, fats, and sugars are not affected by White Kidney Bean Extract.

Also according to the consumer safety and analysis website

“the effectiveness of this (sic) is questionable”

They also add:

“there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate weight loss”

This was reported after all the clinical studies on White Kidney Bean Extract were examined.

Top Benefits:

Calories from carbohydrates are reduced and there are many studies which have examined White Kidney Bean Extract


Calorie reductions are only seen when supplemented alongside a high carbohydrate meal and there are no long term studies on safety and effectiveness.

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This was reported after all the clinical studies on White Kidney Bean Extract were examined.

The most common possible side effects possible include:

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Indigestion
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Frequent bathroom trips

The long term safety of White Kidney Bean Extract has also not been tested. Find out for yourself what White Kidney Bean Extract has to offer in comparison to other supplements.


A tiny percentage of the population can benefit from White Kidney Bean Extract. Overall most people will not be able to gain much from it unless you overeat carbohydrates. However since this ingredient only reduces a small amount of calories it is impossible to know if it will actually produce weight loss in the future.

Overall there are some minor potential side effects and customers who overeat carbohydrates did find it useful

Discover for yourself how well White Kidney Bean Extract did against the very best weight loss brands.


The most telling aspects of this weight loss ingredient are:

  • -You can lose carbohydrates if you overeat them and if you take a White Kidney Bean Extract supplement with your meal
  • -No long term studies have been performed on its safety and effectiveness
  • -It is unclear how many calories can be lost

There is no doubt that White Kidney Bean Extract produces results in those who overeat carbohydrates, but even more benefits are needed for the average person.

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